Ultrasonography (USG)

Ultrasonography (USG, Ultrasound, Sonography) is a non-invasive medical imaging method that obtains visuals called sonograms using sound waves. Unlike direct radiographs (X-rays) and computed tomography (CT), this method does not involve exposure to radiation.

An ultrasonography machine consists of a computer console, a monitor, and a transducer called a probe that emits sound waves into the body. During the procedure, you may need to lie down on an examination table, sit in a specific position, or assume various positions as needed. The physician performing the examination applies a special, colorless, and odorless gel to the skin of the area to be examined to facilitate sound transmission. This painless, comfortable, and tolerable procedure may sometimes require you to hold your breath. For the examination of certain areas, your bladder may need to be full, which might cause some compression when the probe is pressed against the area. The ultrasonography probe can be applied externally over the skin, vaginally (trans-vaginal), rectally (trans-rectal), or through the esophagus (trans-esophageal) depending on the area being examined. The procedure typically takes about 10-30 minutes.

Prenatal ultrasonography is performed using a trans-vaginal probe during the early stages of pregnancy, and images are obtained in 2D, 3D, or 4D (while moving). Ultrasonography is also used as a guide for minimally invasive procedures such as needle biopsy or fluid aspiration since it provides real-time imaging.

Is it Risky?

Prenatal and diagnostic ultrasonography is a safe method with no known adverse effects on the baby, mother, or patients.

How Should We Prepare?

This method does not require significant preparation, but to obtain clearer images of certain areas, your bladder may need to be full. If it is not sufficiently full, you may need to drink water before the procedure. For the examination of certain regions and organs, you might be asked to fast. These details are shared with you in advance when scheduling your appointment.

After Your Procedure?

This painless, medication-free, quick, and tolerable procedure allows you to receive your results immediately and return to your daily activities.